
What you need to know about the 2022 general elections.

How to vote.

To be eligible to vote in Jersey's elections on the , you need to be over 16 years old on election day and have lived in Jersey for either the last two years or the last 6 months plus a period that totals five years.

You will also need to be registered on the electoral roll in order to vote, which can be done either online or by contacting your Parish Hall.

The closing date for registering on the main electoral roll is , while those late to registration can be included on the supplementary register until .

Postal voting is open to everyone at these elections and details will be sent to all Island households in March, with registration required before the deadline on the .

Pre-poll voting (before election day) will be open between the - at St Paul's Centre, St Helier.

In order to cast your vote in person, you will need to bring with you photographic identification, like a driving licence or passport.

Polling stations will be open between 8am and 8pm on election day at the Parish Halls, and possibly other locations in some districts - to be confirmed.

For further information on the 2022 elections, visit

Who can we vote for?

The composition of the States Assembly will change at this elections, following the adoption of reforms to our electoral system in 2020.

Senators have been removed from the Assembly and replaced with additional Deputies that collectively represent 9 newly defined districts of similar population size. The role of Constable remains unchanged.

Depending on which district you live in, you will be able to vote for your Parish Constable along with between 3-5 Deputies.

If there are only as many, or fewer, candidates nominated as there are seats available in a Parish/District, then there will be a "none of the above" option included on the ballot paper to ensure that no one is elected automatically.

The 2022 elections will also likely see the advancement of party politics in Jersey, with four different parties putting forward candidates so far - in addition to there being a number of independent candidates.

The nominated candidates will be announced on the , at which time we will know the final line up for the elections.

For more information on the declared candidates, visit the Jersey Elections Archive.

We're not going to tell you who to vote for, but if you'd like to know which candidates support cannabis reform, keep an eye on the ECPJ Blog as we go about our electioneering campaign.

À bétôt et à la préchaine,
The ECPJ Team.