End Cannabis Prohibition Jersey

Recommendations for Reform.



States Members will debate a proposition to decriminalise the possession and recreational use of cannabis in Jersey at the sitting of the States Assembly commencing on the .

Read the proposition and amendments here >


End Cannabis Prohibition Jersey presents a blueprint for cannabis reform.

Featuring 35 recommendations for reform, categorised under 5 themes:

  1. Patient Access.
    Supporting patients and developing expertise.
  2. Cannabis Industry.
    Maximising the potential of cannabis cultivation.
  3. Substance Use Strategy.
    Addressing drug and alcohol consumption.
  4. Decriminalisation.
    Personal cannabis use should not result in a criminal record.
  5. Towards Regulation.
    Cannabis legalisation is inevitable.
Key Recommendations >


View the candidates who stood in the 2022 elections and see where they stand on cannabis reform:

Elections >


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