ECPJ Campaign Update #13.
- Blog Post #17
All systems go!
End Cannabis Prohibition Jersey held meetings this week with Constable Mike Jackson, who is standing for re-election in St Brelade, and Mark Le Chevalier, who is contesting the role of Constable of St Helier.
Both meetings went well, with the candidates being receptive to our presentation and calls for cannabis reform.
ECPJ also had a chat with the Jersey Evening Post this week about the response our campaign has been receiving from the candidates for an upcoming article.
Next week, we have scheduled four meetings with election candidates. The Coordinator of our campaign has also been invited to speak about the cannabis industry at the Better Way Coalition's Let's Talk event on the Future Economy at Cooper's @ IFC5 at
Hustings began this week, both in-person and online.
End Cannabis Prohibition Jersey has decided not to ask questions at these events as we are approaching the candidates directly.
At the online Candidate Question Time event for the candidate's standing for Deputy in Grouville and St Martin (District 9), a member of the public asked a question about decriminalising cannabis.
Candidates responded with some stating a need for further information, while others were hesitant to introduce reform ahead of the UK. One candidate also raised the outdated and disproven concept of cannabis being a gateway drug!
Following the elections, we intend to continue lobbying those who have been elected to the States Assembly to further educate them about cannabis and the need for appropriate regulation.
The recent announcement that the Sapphire Medical Foundation have opened access to their grant scheme for medicinal cannabis to patients from Jersey was in the news this week, which will hopefully provide access to those in greatest need.
The article also provided an update on the estimated number of medicinal cannabis patients in Jersey at around 3,000 people – up from the estimated 2,000 patients reported in November last year.
If you registered on the main electoral roll prior to the , you are eligible to apply for a postal vote, but you must apply prior to
If you have yet to register to vote, what are you waiting for? You can still register online or at your Parish Hall up until
View all the candidates standing in the 2022 general elections along with their stance on cannabis reform in our elections section.
À bétôt et à la préchaine,
The ECPJ Team.