for Reform.

Patient Access.

Can a mechanism be found to subsidise the cost of medicinal cannabis?

Medicinal cannabis is expensive.

Due to medicinal cannabis being both a controlled drug and an unlicensed medication, prescriptions are currently only available privately.

As an unlicensed medicine, medicinal cannabis is also subject to GST.

The costs to the patient are consequently significant, averaging several hundred pounds per month to over a thousand pounds in some cases - for required medication.

While we hope that medicinal cannabis products will in future be included on the Prescribed List and funded from the Health Insurance Fund (as with other medicines), this is ultimately a clinical decision and not a political one. Such medications may well also require the approval of NICE and the MHRA before consideration by the Pharmaceutical Benefit Advisory Committee.

What do we know about medicinal cannabis use?

With approximately 3,000 private medicinal cannabis patients, Jersey likely has one of the greatest number of patients per capita in Europe, if not the World.

A recent Freedom of Information request has revealed that 543kg of cannabis flower and 103 litres of cannabis oil were imported into Jersey in 2021. This equates to a value of approximately £6 million, plus around £300,000 in GST charges.

Despite this significant demand, Government, Scrutiny and the Assembly as a whole have kept the issue of medicinal cannabis use in Jersey at arm's length during the current term.


  1. The Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel should undertake a review of the use of medicinal cannabis in Jersey in order to better understand the issues faced by patients and the medical profession, and advise Government accordingly.

How can we support patients in greatest need?

While it is not currently feasible to accommodate all medicinal cannabis patients by way of a publicly funded mechanism, such a pathway should be made available to patients where a consultant considers it clinically appropriate to do so.

A possible short-term solution to the current impasse may lie with the Individual Funding Request process "for access to treatments [recommended by hospital consultants] which are not routinely funded at public expense."


  1. The Health Department should investigate the use of Individual Funding Requests or an alternative access scheme for providing access to medicinal cannabis for those in greatest need.