ECPJ Campaign Update #3.
- Blog Post #6
Engaging with the political parties.
End Cannabis Prohibition Jersey met with members of the Jersey Liberal Conservative Party this week to present our Recommendations for Reform.
The meeting with JLC was positive, with party members complimenting our work on the ECPJ campaign. We shall await the publication of their manifesto with interest to see if they include cannabis reform as one of their party's objectives for the next term of the States Assembly.
Meetings have been scheduled for next month with Reform Jersey and The Progress Party. We are waiting to hear back from the Jersey Alliance Party.
End Cannabis Prohibition Jersey has now reached out to the new independent candidates who have published their contact details. We hope to meet with them in due course.
Next week, we shall contact the current independent States Members who have declared their intention to stand in the coming elections.
Beyond plans for meeting with the parties and candidates, we have begun putting together our strategy for engaging with the electorate.
Over on Twitter, we're running a series of daily tweets highlighting the ECPJ campaign and our 35 recommendations for reform.
Stay tuned for more updates from the ECPJ campaign on our Twitter account and here on our blog.
À bétôt et à la préchaine,
The ECPJ Team.