for Reform.

Our Recommendations for Reform.


Patient Access:

Supporting patients and developing expertise.

  1. Address issues preventing GPs from prescribing medicinal cannabis.
  2. Conduct a Scrutiny review of medicinal cannabis.
  3. Investigate the use of the Individual Funding Request or equivalent mechanism for patients in greatest need.
  4. Provide professional training to healthcare professionals.
  5. Establish a hospital cannabis clinic or equivalent.
  6. Facilitate clinical trials and research and development.
  7. Consider partnerships with industry to reduce costs and facilitate research and development.
  8. Raise awareness of medicinal cannabis.
  9. Accommodate medicinal cannabis in healthcare settings.
  10. Implement Police procedures for interacting with patients.

Cannabis Industry:

Maximising the potential of cannabis cultivation.

  1. Implement the accepted recommendations of the Scrutiny report on the medicinal cannabis cultivation industry.
  2. Government should be transparent and proactive in the communication of both past and future developments.
  3. Increase the limit of THC permitted in industrial hemp.
  4. Update the legal definition of OTC cannabis end products.
  5. Promote the use of hemp products in the Island.
  6. Champion the regenerative cultivation of hemp.
  7. Investigate the use of hempcrete for carbon negative construction.

Substance Use Strategy:

Addressing drug and alcohol consumption.

  1. Prioritise the new Drug and Alcohol Strategy.
  2. Develop the new strategy according to international best practices and human rights.
  3. Ensure adequate funding for the new substance use strategy.
  4. Transfer responsibility for substance use from Home Affairs to Health.
  5. Delegate oversight of substance use to the Assistant Minister for Mental Health.
  6. Consider recruitment of a new Director for the Alcohol and Drug Service.
  7. Involve people with experience of substance use in MDAC deliberations.
  8. Provide up to date information on substances to educate the public.


Personal cannabis use should not result in a criminal record.

  1. Prioritise the Crime Law and associated amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Law.
  2. Reclassify cannabinol and cannabinol derivatives as Class B drugs.
  3. Reschedule cannabis as a Schedule 2 drug.
  4. No longer criminalise the smoking of medicinal cannabis.
  5. Tolerate the personal cultivation of cannabis.
  6. Review sentencing guidelines.
  7. De-prioritise the policing of cannabis.

Towards Regulation:

Cannabis legalisation is inevitable.

  1. Liaise with the UK and Guernsey on implementing legalisation.
  2. Plan for the future regulation of cannabis.
  3. Introduce legislation to legalise cannabis.