Key Recommendations.
- Conduct a review of medicinal cannabis use.
- Nurture the cannabis cultivation industry.
- Prioritise the new Drug and Alcohol Strategy.
- Decriminalise the possession of cannabis.
- Investigate the legalisation of cannabis.
- End Cannabis Prohibition Jersey.
- Jersey Medicinal Cannabis Patient Alliance.
- Cannabis is on the agenda.
- A blueprint for reform.
- Effectuating cannabis reform in Jersey.
Patient Access.
Supporting patients and developing expertise.
- Abstract.
- Topics.
What's preventing GPs from prescribing medicinal cannabis?
- Who can prescribe medicinal cannabis?
- How can we encourage GPs to prescribe?
- Can a mechanism be found to subsidise the cost of medicinal cannabis?
- Medicinal cannabis is expensive.
- What do we know about medicinal cannabis use?
- How can we support patients in greatest need?
- How can we best develop expertise in medicinal cannabis?
- Knowledge is power.
- Is a hospital cannabis clinic the answer?
- Creating a centre of excellence.
- How can we reduce medicinal cannabis stigma?
- Public education.
- Healthcare acceptance.
- Compassionate policing.
- Patient Access summary.
- Recommendations.
Cannabis Industry.
- Maximising the potential of cannabis cultivation.
- Abstract.
- Topics.
- How has the cannabis industry evolved in Jersey?
- History of cannabis in Jersey.
- The revival of cannabis cultivation.
- What refinements can be made to our cannabis industry?
- Fine-tuning governance.
- Increase the limit of THC in industrial hemp.
- Redefine the limit of THC in OTC end products.
- How can hemp improve our environment?
- Is hemp the future of sustainable economies?
- Regenerative agriculture & carbon sequestration.
- Building with hempcrete.
- Cannabis Industry summary.
- Recommendations.
Substance Use Strategy.
- Addressing drug and alcohol consumption.
- Abstract.
- Topics.
- Where is the substance use strategy?
- What is the current situation?
- We need to prioritise the new strategy.
- How can we improve oversight of substance use?
- Substance use is a health concern.
- Are additional advisors required?
- How can we improve the provision of information on substance use?
- Education is key.
- Substance Use Strategy summary.
- Recommendations.
- Personal cannabis use should not result in a criminal record.
- Abstract.
- Topics.
- How is cannabis currently prohibited in Jersey?
- Classification and Scheduling.
- Parish Hall Enquiry diversion schemes.
- Court sanctions for cannabis.
- Are Class B and C drugs set to be decriminalised?
- Proposed legislation.
- Could updated guidance allow discretion?
- A priority for the next Government.
- What further reforms are needed?
- Cannabis should be classified uniformly.
- Scheduling should recognise medicinal value.
- Smoking medicinal cannabis should not be illegal.
- Personal cultivation should be tolerated.
- Is drug sentencing proportionate?
- Is the policing of cannabis in the public interest?
- Decriminalisation summary.
- Recommendations.
Towards Regulation.
- Cannabis legalisation is inevitable.
- Abstract.
- Topics.
- The status quo cannot continue.
- The War on Drugs has failed.
- Relative harms of drugs.
- Taking control.
- How can we proceed with the legalisation of cannabis?
- UN drug control conventions.
- Preparing for the future.
- Legalisation is inevitable.
- Towards Regulation summary.
- Recommendations.
- Recommendations for Reform.
- Patient Access.
- Cannabis Industry.
- Substance Use Strategy.
- Decriminalisation.
- Towards Regulation.
- Conclusion.
- It is not reasonable to maintain the status quo.
Press START to continue.